Exercise Fitness New York sports Weight Yoga

Starting The Day With Yoga

75 minutes of Anusara yoga this morning with Ursula before running all my errands!  The Crunch gym description says:

Based on the teachings of John Friend. This class balances an opening to grace and the higher self with strong attention to alignment. The result is a strong synthesis between mind body and spirit. Taught in the Vinyasa style, Anusara Yoga is open to all levels. 

The class went really well so I expect to continue with the yoga classes at least twice a week.  With two to three kickboxing classes a week and walks/runs in the park, I will have a full weekly workout schedule.

After dinner with two old friends, I now possess the name and address of an acupuncturist and a chiropractor.  On my list of to-dos is to make an appointment to see them.

By KickboxingDiva

50-something woman traveling around the world with her husband, exercising, eating, and enjoying.

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