Yes, it’s about time to get back to business! Yesterday was my first day back to the gym for kickboxing and it was clear that 6 weeks away makes a major difference…
We did drills but the session was hampered by my bad knee. I went back to see Jack at Wu Lim Qi Gong Master, 179 Grand St (between Baxter St & Centre Market Pl) in Chinatown for a massage. It was extraordinarily painful but I’m hoping it will bring some relief. Jack says that I need to express myself verbally more as keeping everything in is not good for me [told to me through the very nice lady up front after my massage]. I guess I should yell outright as he works out my knots LOL.
I started listening to the web casts again so I get my brain back on course for healthier eating. We’ve fallen off the wagon during the vacation and post-hurricane week. With the holidays quickly approaching, some diet awareness is in order. One of the web casts says that losing fat and getting in shape is 80 percent diet. Not necessarily eating less but eating better. I need to internalize that information. I know my trainers have been telling me that for years….